Liz and Tommy Farnsworth Education Building
I Could Make That!
Oct 27, 2019 - Jan 5, 2020
Organized by: Organized by the Dixon Gallery and Gardens
I Could Make That! is a Dixon interactive experience that complements Abstract Expressionism: A Social Revolution and Friedel Dzubas: The Ira A. Lipman Family Collection, on view in the main galleries.
Abstract Expressionism was an art movement in American painting that began in the late 1940s. It flourished in New York and is sometimes referred to as the New York School. The movement comprised many different styles varying in both technique and quality of expression. Abstract Expressionist paintings share many characteristics; most are abstract, spontaneous, and show personal emotional expression.
Some of the most prominent American Abstract Expressionist painters, also known as action painters, are featured in the current exhibitions at the Dixon. Painters such as Helen Frankenthaler, Willem De Kooning, Robert Motherwell, and Mark Rothko have paintings in the galleries. These artists created incredible works of art that challenged tradition and pushed the boundaries of modern art. Their spontaneous and energetic work was created with innovative materials and on large canvases that boldly declared the new forms of self-expression and personal freedom within their work.
Often, when observing Abstract Expressionism, people try to understand how the painting was created and determine that it seems like a fairly easy way of making art. You may have heard someone say, “I could make that!” in front of abstract works of art.
In this gallery you can learn about the different elements that an artist has to consider when creating abstract art. Through hands-on components, you can experiment with some of the elements: Color, Shape, Line, Texture. Finally, you are invited to try your hand at making art in our Process component, using digital art.
Enjoy the show and be sure to check our programs for additional demonstrations, workshops, and pop-up experiences in this gallery!