Jul 30, 2024

Summer Interns Reflect

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Summer 2024 Interns Reflect on their Dixon Experience

This summer the Dixon had several interns join the team, we asked a few of them to describe their summer experiences.

Owen 6

Curatorial Intern


Q: What's one memory that you'll take with you?
A: One of my favorite memories was the week I spent assisting with the installation of our exhibit, Southern Modern. It was quite a busy week at the Dixon with all hands on deck to help move artwork, hang paintings, and prepare the galleries for visitors. It was a privilege to get so close and personal with the amazing artwork and a learning experience to see how exhibitions come together. As a museum-lover since I was a small child, this experience has opened my eyes to career options I'm passionate about.

Xochitl 12

Communications Intern


Q: What's something new you learned from your time at the Dixon?
A: I never realized how much planning goes into ensuring a museum runs smoothly. In addition to learning about the organization it takes for an exhibition, event or workshop to happen; I learned the importance of teamwork and communication between different departments to make the artistic beauty of the Dixon truly shine. I will definitely miss walking through the gardens with my coworkers and exploring the museum on closed days. I am forever grateful for the Dixon giving me not only an amazing opportunity to build my skills in organizational storytelling and communications, but also a home in the arts.

Macie 09

Development Intern


Q: What has been the biggest learning experience during your time at the Dixon?
A: I have learned all about how much museums truly offer to their communities! There's a huge variety of programming, opportunities to engage with art, social events, etc., and there's something for everyone. It's been so fun to be here every day and see regulars who come to Munch and Learn every week, kids attending camps and educational programs, and members of the Garden Club who create flower arrangements for events and exhibits. There's a place for everyone at the Dixon!

Olivia 5

Garden Intern


Q: Can you describe your experience at the Dixon?
A: My experience at the Dixon has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my career. Working in the garden and alongside Adam has been an amazing experience and I've learned so much in such a small amount of time. Adam has taught me fertilizing techniques and how to properly care for the plants, he's been teaching me genus and species and so much more! The Dixon has been a very knowledgeable experience for me and one that I can apply to my future endeavors.